
Tobacco Film

Good antistatic performance, high slip.high stiffness,high gloss and low haze

At the same time, it has a certain degreeof anti-redness,anti-wrinkle, wear-resis-tant and anti-scratch ability, and the packaging effect is smooth and beautiful

Wide heat sealing range,high heatsealing strength, excellent water vaporbarrier capacity,uniform thickness andwide shrinkage control range

  • 30 DAYS
  • 200 TM/M
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Function Film, also known as Tobacco Film, is a specialized film used in the tobacco industry to wrap cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products. It is designed to keep tobacco fresh, preserve the flavor, and regulate the moisture content inside the packaging. This film is highly effective and has become an essential component in the tobacco manufacturing process.


One of the key features of Function Film-Tobacco Film is its ability to regulate the moisture content inside packaging. This film is specially designed to maintain a consistent level of humidity to keep the tobacco fresh and prevent mold growth. By regulating the moisture level, Function Film-Tobacco Film helps to preserve the flavor and aroma of the tobacco.

Another important feature of Function Film is its ability to provide an effective barrier against light, oxygen, and other external factors that can cause the tobacco to deteriorate. This film is highly resistant to puncture, tear, and abrasion, ensuring that the tobacco remains in optimal condition until it reaches the consumer.

In addition, Function Film-Tobacco Film is compatible with high-speed packaging machines, providing an efficient and cost-effective solution for tobacco manufacturers. It is available in different sizes and thicknesses, allowing manufacturers to choose the film that best suits their packaging needs.


Tobacco Film is primarily used in the tobacco industry for packaging cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products. It is also commonly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to preserve the quality and freshness of their products.

Function Film-Tobacco Film is an important component in the manufacturing process of tobacco products. It helps to ensure that the tobacco remains fresh, flavorful, and appealing to consumers. By maintaining the right moisture level and protecting the tobacco from external factors, Function Film-Tobacco Film helps to enhance the quality of the tobacco and improve the overall smoking experience.


In conclusion, Function Film-Tobacco Film is a specialized film that plays a crucial role in the tobacco manufacturing process. By regulating the moisture content, providing a barrier against external factors, and maintaining freshness, this film helps to preserve the quality of tobacco products and improve the overall smoking experience for consumers. As a highly effective and efficient solution, Function Film-Tobacco Film is an essential component for tobacco manufacturers who want to ensure that their products meet the highest standards of quality and appeal to consumers.

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